Fiddle Dancing, Mountains and Puppies
Week 1 has flown by. My students are getting more comfortable with me every day, and I with them. The most important lesson I learned this week is: LET THEM PLAY! In my first few days, I was trying to have them do too much without a break, so now I give them free play time as a transition between activities. So far it is working very well, hopefully my success continues. The most interesting part of my week was on Thursday night to celebrate Mistissini Day. Another fun tradition in the town is fiddle dancing. Unfortunately there weren't any live fiddle players, but there were live dancers! I got to watch many different groups, both youth and adult, dance to fiddle music throughout the night. Lucky for me, the host of the night asked all doctors and teachers to come out and dance to a song, so I, along with 25 other teachers and doctors, went to the middle of the plywood dance floor and danced my butt off to fiddle music for 5 minutes straight. It was the most fun I had in a long ...