
Showing posts from 2021

All about Immigration

 The blog post you've all been waiting for! This is going to be a big one, so buckle in. Also, apologies in advance for those who like reading with pictures, there won't be many pictures in today's post, so sorry! To get started, I'll start with a timeline since I first moved to Canada, then I'll go into more detail. August 2012-June 2016: Started Bachelor of Arts at Bishop's University in Lennoxville, QC: 4 year study permit August 2016-May 2017 : Started Bachelor of Education at Bishop's Universtity: 1 year study permit May 2017-May 2020 : Graduated from Bishop's in June 2017 and moved to Mistissini, QC in August 2017: 3 year Post Graduate Work Permit May 2019: Application for Permanent Residence in Canada submitted January 2020-January 2021 : Post Graduate Work Permit was expiring soon, to get ahead of myself I applied for International Experience Canada: Working Holidays 1 year work permit. January 2021-February 12th 2021: IEC Working Holidays expire...

A Super Update on 2020

 It's been a while... I feel like every post starts like that! I will run through 2020 is a nutshell.. one sentence and one picture to sum up each month of 2020. Then we will get into the nitty gritty of the first 6 weeks of 2021, because it's been a BUSY year so far. January: Cold, and uneventful as most Januaries are! My Bermuda turned 1! So big! February:  Short, sweet and snowy. Bermuda decided to eat foam out of her we took an impromptu (and expensive) trip to Val D'or to x-ray her belly and make sure nothing was stuck! She was able to pass the foam with help from a laxative and all was well in the end. March:  As we all know what happened in March 2020... I'll share where I was when it all started! I was in Edmonton, Alberta! So exciting. A few colleagues and I signed up to attend the Think Indigenous Education Conference  in Edmonton. The conference was extremely insightful, interesting and engaging. Unfortunately, due to the onset of the pandemic, th...